
Story of the Logo

Our logo is an anvil, which are used to hold metal while the hammer shapes it. In life we will come across hammers that God is using to mold us, so keep trusting His plan! #whatsyourwhy

The Roadmap to Teamwork

The Roadmap to Teamwork

You may have heard it said that teamwork makes the dream work, but what does that actually mean? Well, we’re going to go through some ways to define it and action steps to live it out.


What does it mean?


~ “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. -Proverbs 27:17

In order to understand teamwork, we must look back in the scripture to find the answer. God designed us to need a community to do life with and this verse speaks clearly on that topic. This verse implies that two or more people pushing each other is what it takes to make each other strive for greatness. So, let’s go through some points to talk about what teamwork actually means.

1.    Teamwork isn’t two people simply doing an activity together. According to this scripture, the teammates must actively be pushing and “sharpening” one another which takes more than passive participation in an activity.

2.    This naturally leads us to find the reason the athletes are working together. It’s important to find your “why” for doing something and make that the focal point of motivation. This is critical for success because anything in life will get difficult so finding that inner motivation will help get through the challenging times.

Okay now that we know what teamwork is, let’s learn some ways to put it into action.

1.    Ask yourself, if I didn’t have this game/ activity in my life would I miss it? If the answer is yes, then ask yourself what makes you keep doing it consistently. Once you find that, you have grasped the “why” of what you do which is very important. 

2.    Ask what kind of character traits you want in a teammate. Once you find these character traits ask if you embody these traits yourself because you can’t change a culture until you are bought in yourself. 

3.    Find your “Iron” who can make you better at what you do. Start with the people who are close to you and ask if they are on board to live out these character traits and make each other better. If you’re really bold you can announce your vision for the team that year and then you will find out who’s on board an who’s not.

*Remember, character isn’t a pep talk one day and then forgetting about it. It’s a constant battle through hard time and learning to put that iron to the fire, so we can allow other people to sharpen the iron and make us better.



God help me to be the person you want me to be. I know I am not perfect, but in you I can strive for greatness. Help me to be humble and take criticism where I need it but also to be bold and give criticism where it is needed as well. I pray for a group of dedicated people who would come along side me and push me to become a better teammate. I give my talents up to you Lord and am trusting in your plan no matter what. Thank you for your grace that I don’t deserve and help me show that to teammates, friends, and even enemies around me. You’re a great God and thank you for always being with me. Amen.

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